Wednesday, October 21, 2009

"I Don't Want to be a Christian"

This was what my Nihongo tutor said this afternoon during our tutorial at Kobe International Community Center (KICC). I didn't know how to react at first, to be honest , I was more amused than shocked.

What started our discussion on this subject? I was supposed to be learning common Nihongo phrases and sentence patterns and she was supposed to learn from me English idioms today. Those were our planned topics for today's lesson. But God had other plans, obviously. For more than the Nihongo and English language lessons, we got to talk about our Father's language lessons.

Our session today began with her telling me about her aunt's Buddhist funeral last week. She told me a few things that were traditionally done by Japanese during funeral rites like the ash thingy that they have to pick from an urn and bring to their forehead while saying a prayer to the departed loved one.

Then she blurted out to me that while she was doing those things last week, she wondered whether Christians do the same thing at funeral services. I said, "No, we don't do that for some reasons."

She replied, "That is why I think I don't want to be a Christian. If I become one, then my relatives would not be able to do that during my funeral. They won't be able to pray for me."

"Ahhh...I see." I said and nodded my head. I didn't know what to do and say for a brief second. Shall I give her an amused smile? an I-feel-sorry-for you- look? a verse from the Bible? I sent an SOS to my Father . Help , Lord. What will I say? Shall I just let this pass and move on with the Idioms lesson?

The prompting from the Lord was very strong. So I set my lesson aside and waited for her to continue.

Then came the questions from her. Surprisingly, there were a, what's the difference between Catholicism and Protestantism? What does the Bible say about religions? Why don't the Christians go to casinos? Why do Christians go to church? etc. etc. etc. Obviously she was thinking much about Christianity, the religion and not THE personal relationship between the Savior and the saved sinner.

Somehow, as we were discussing these things, God managed to guide our talk so I could have the chance of sharing the Gospel with her. You should have seen her eyes grow big as she asked, "Jesus died for me??" Her excited voice grew a bit loud. In fact, loud enough to make those from the other tables turn their heads and look at us.

I was able to share with her the good news of the Lord's salvation . How I praised the Lord for that opportunity!

But then , that was meant to be the Part I for we had to move on to our lesson for the day . Our free time at KICC was almost up and so we had to do our idioms .

As we were finishing and preparing to leave , she blurted out again, " I really don't want to be a Christian because I don't want to give up my life of partying, mahjong sessions and beer drinking with friends." Haha!

"OK ," I said, "but still it doesn't change the fact that there is a God who loves you." This was what we were talking about as we got in the elevator. Talk about a good timing and great place to share a bit about God's love and power. While we were going down from the 20th floor to the lobby, in an elevator full of about 8 women , the good news was proclaimed in a voice not loud enough to inconvenience the rest, but audible enough for everyone to hear. Hallelujah!

Hopefully, there will be a Part II to this discussion next week.

God did amazing things today at KICC. Help me pray that the "tiny seed" that was sown this afternoon will find good soil in the hearts of my tutor and to those who have heard.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Great Sunday

....a long-time friend who's now based in Sydney came to church and shared her testimony during the service; had a great talk catching up on each other's lives, ministries and blessings. engineer from Davao who saw our church from the train last week came to attend our worship; was thrilled that he speaks Cebuano :)

....tea time with another friend at my fave hangout cafe (the Honey House); shared trials, burdens, visions and evangelism strategies; encouraged each other through the Word

....reminded by Paul to " ...keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry." (2 Tim. 5)

...encouraged by Paul again when he said , ""At my first defense, no one came to my support , but everyone deserted me....But the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed and all the Gentiles might hear it..." (2 Tim. 16-17)

all these made my day ...truly a blessed day!

Friday, October 16, 2009

English Classes Ministry

Isn't it a blessing and a joy to reach the Japanese children here for Christ through our English classes here? The children come once a week for their English lesson but they also get more than that, they get to hear Bible stories . Most of the children do not come from Christian families thus it is only during the English class time that they get to hear these stories. We hope and pray that the "seed" that is being planted in these kids' soft hearts will take root.

The class chaplains handle the ten-minute Bible time every week. Please include them in your prayers.

We are blessed to have chaplains for the kids classes who are also teaching in our Sunday Schools.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Friendship Evangelism

Two of my good friends here in Kobe are Akiyo and Yoshimi.

Our friendship dates back to 1994, when both attended my English class , intermediate level . That was during my first year of teaching English classes here at this church. Akiyo then was still a new believer , having been led to Christ by former missionaries, Ray and Julie Sears. Yoshimi was not yet a Christian but she had come to know about God and His plan of salvation through the Bible times in our English class.

The three of us hit it off instantly as we had similar personalities and common interests. We would often hang out together after classes.

At that time, Akiyo went to another church here in Kobe. But Yoshimi would sometimes accept my invitation to go with me to my church for worship services or other events.

Later that year, Akiyo was transferred by her company to the branch in her hometown. But she would often visit us here in Kobe.

After that horrible Kobe earthquake in 1995, I had to return to the Philippines. But we three were still able to keep in touch. They even visited me in Cebu.

Akiyo and I were concerned about Yoshimi so we agreed to continue to pray for her salvation.

When God sent me back to Japan to teach again in 2005, Yoshimi was among the very first ones I contacted. Then Akiyo came to see me. What a blessed reunion the three of us had . It was great to see Akiyo's growth in the Lord as she found a good church in her hometown.

We continued to pray for Yoshimi. We didn't know then that God never stopped working in Yoshimi's heart during the ten years that we were apart.

In December 2006, I took her with me to visit a friend in Yokosuka . We went to my friend's church that Christmas Sunday . God used the pastor's message that day to speak again to Yoshimi's heart. During the train ride back home, she asked me a lot of questions and we talked more about God's love for her . I could see she was almost ready to accept the Lord into her life. That week, she found a church near her apartment, and attended the worship that Sunday. (Our church is farther, about 20 minutes by bicycle from her place). That was the start. Amazingly, Yoshimi never looked back.

We continued our regular hangouts together. I encouraged her to join Sunday School and Bible studies in her church and she did. She attended regularly the singles meetings at our church too. God gave me more prayer opportunites with her . Even more spiritual talks and counseling times. A year later (on my birthday) , she was baptized.

One of my joys here in Japan is seeing Yoshimi grow in the Lord and knowing that she is a living fruit of "friendship evangelism" in a country like Japan, known to be among the hardest mission fields in the world. Praise the Lord!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Main road

Thank you for praying with me and for me lately. I appreciate very much your thoughts and mentioning my concerns to our Father.

This morning we had our teachers meeting for the English class ministry here. It went well. We were able to discuss many things: plans for 2010, Christmas presentations, teaching strategies, resources, etc.

Well, now God has let me see that I don't have to make a "turn" in the crossroad (read my prev. blog pls) after all. I will have to stay on the "main road" for some time (perhaps until March 2011) until I get to another crossroad again. By that, I mean doing the same work (teaching) for the Lord here at Higashinada Baptist Church for another schoolyear.

Please pray also for my co-teachers , Kellie , Brad and Michelle , all missionaries from Australia. They still have to complete language studies until next year. Pray that we all here will have a good teamwork while we continue to serve our Big Boss :)

Sunday, October 11, 2009

latest embroidery

This is my latest cross-stitch work which took me a year to finish. I started this last year when I began my English Bible studies here. This month, I gave this to the church here as a token of my appreciation for their prayers and support for the Bible studies last year.

The design is not originally mine - a good friend gave me a photocopy from a page of her embroidery book.

Mrs. Shimouchi , a friend from our church here in Kobe, did the frame. She's taking framing lessons from a well-known artist in Osaka.

Now, this hangs on a wall of our church 3rd floor dining hall.

crossroads again

Hi ! After talking with a church deacon yesterday over lunch, I feel that I am at some crossroads again. Which way should I go? I am praying and asking God to let me see His hand directing me where He wants me to be.

More about this after our teachers' meeting tomorrow. Meanwhile, pls keep praying with me and for me, okay?

I went to see an ikebana exhibit last Monday. The photo here is one of those arrangements displayed. Enjoy!